Rafting Equipment
River rafting in Rishikesh is fun and game for adults, families and kids. At Rihikesh, you can easily hire world class and imported rafting gear and equipments. There was a time when international quality rafting gear was not available in India. Today, you have a wide range of equipments to choose from. Whether you want these equipments for personal use or need them in bulk, you have access to white water rafting gear and specialty adventure gear you can imagine. Buying rafting gear in India can be a tough task. But with the availability of quality adventure gear in Rishikesh, you need not worry about it. Rafting instructors an guides will help you choose the right gear for your rafting trip or expedition in the Himalayan town of Rishikesh.

A lifejacket happens to be your lifeline during your rafting adventure. Lifejackets and vests come in different shapes and sizes. Lifejackets can be categorized into offshore lifejacket, near shore buoyant vest, floatation aid and special use device. Sizes are available both for adults and children. It is always advisable for rafters to choose a vest which fits them and makes them feel comfortable. Proper fit is essential when your select a lifejacket. When the lifejacket fits you and is properly zipped, it will keep your upper body parts above the water. On the contrary, if it is loose or small in size it will create problems. If it is too loose, it will push the jacket up around your face during floatation. On the other hand, a small jacket may not keep your body afloat properly.
Rafting EquipmentRafting Equipment - HelmetsRafting Equipment - Paddles
Over the past few years, inflatable rafting boats have seen an evolution. Previously, an inflatable boat ran a risk of being literally rip apart by the seams. It could also get easily punctured by a lost hook or a fingernail. Thanks to the availability of imported quality inflatable boats in Rishikesh, you can choose from a range of boats to have a safe and fun-filled rafting adventure experience. Even if you are a junkie, you can find rafting boats to last a lifetime.

If the paddles are highly refined and full size, they can double the fun of your rafting adventure. During your adventure trip to Rishikesh, you can find paddles that are designed to give superior performance during the expedition. The equipment is designed to give silky smooth strokes on the water and have an unmatched light buoyant feel.

White water rafting safety helmets are designed to provide you complete security in case of a capsize and prevent against head injuries. In order to adopt strict safety standards, superior quality and imported rafting helmets are available on hire during your rafting trip to Rishikesh. While you select the headgear or the safety helmet, the most important thing to remember is that it is best fit according to the size of your head. If a rafting safety helmet does not fit you completely, it is not made for you.
Rafting Equipment - Life JacketsRafting Equipment - Kayak BoatRafting Equipment - Raft Boats
Rafters need to wear a wetsuit if the water is too cold. Generally made of foamed neoprene, a wetsuit is designed to provide thermal insulation to those indulging in a range of water sports. Bubbles of gas within the wetsuit material also provide adventurers buoyancy in water. After they were first designed in the year 1950s, wetsuits have evolved a lot.
A dry suit is worn by sports enthusiasts to provide them passive thermal protection while the body is immersed in water. The suit is designed to protect against cold water (below 15 degrees centigrade) the entire body, excluding the head and hands of the wearer. A dry suit is different from a wet suit in the way that it is designed to stop the entrance of water inside.

The value of a dry bag as an important river rafting equipment can never be underestimated. These bags are specifically designed to be used by in water sports activities like river rafting, canoeing and kayaking. These waterproof backpacks keep your clothes and other accessories wet-free. Besides protecting your valuable against getting wet, dry bags are also designed to make you comfortable during the adventure trip.
These specially designed tents give you a lot of support during a river rafting expedition. These tents are so named because they are designed so as to survive even against most extreme weather conditions. They are spacious enough to have a group meet inside, for sleeping and group dining among others.
Whether it is a raft, a kayak or a canoe, rescue bags or rescue throw bags are an important part of river rafting or kayaking equipment. A rescue bag, filled with rope inside, is thrown to the swimmer in an emergency. The end of the rope is attached to the inside of the bag. The loose end of the rope remains in the hand of the rescuer whereas the bag is thrown to the swimmer to help the latter reach the raft. These bags are very compact and do not take up much space in the rafting boat.